this timpani tutorial,
I want to demonstrate that covering timpani with natural head is not a
difficult matter. Of
course, learning
by doing would be ideal: that is getting the explanation of
necessary steps while covering the timpani yourself.
Anyway, I think I can show you the most important steps in my internet
photo workshop.
The pictures shown here are in a smaller format, but if you click on
the photos, you can view them in
a bigger format and a higher resolution.

Ringer Timpani

unscrew the eight long
screws, so that you can take off the tension ring and the skin, called
the “head”.
When re-covering the timpani, make sure you screw the screws into the
timpani in the same order

head (Kalfo)

roll out the head in a
container with cold (!) water (like a paddling pool for kids or a big
and let the head soak for some 6 to 9 minutes.
While the head is soaking, clean the contact surface of the edge of the
bowl with a dry (!!) cloth and
then spray the edge with Teflon spray.

wind up the wet head on
a smooth, clean surface (careful: you must be able to read the
not mirror-image!!), wipe away the air bubbles from under the head
carefully and now put the
fleshhoop exactly in the middle of the head.

you fold the head over
the tension ring…

fold the piece of
head back to the tension ring twice or three times…

you push this bulge
with your fingers under or rather until behind the tension

the bulge has to be

go on with this
crosswise (here after four times…)


remaining shreds have to
be folded in carefully using exactly the same procedure

When you have covered the head on the tension ring neatly
means without creases and edges),
place the head exactly on the centre of the timpani…
(the Kalfo-handwriting has to be readable, not the wrong way round!!!)

you place the tension
ring carefully on the head.
(Note the adjustment of the head in the big picture!!!)

it gets tough: (click on
the photo!!!)

When you have done
that, press your
palm on the head once,
so that it gets pushed in about 7-8 mm
(only briefly, to get the head in the correct position on the timpani)
Now you place four small blocks of wood on the edge of the tension ring
And put the head protector on them
(this prevents the head from drying too quickly)

the timpani like
this for 1-2 days, then remove the head protector and let the timpani
dry for another 1-2 days.
PS: This should not be done when it is freezing outside, as then the
timpani dry too quickly, get no depth and sound much harder.